Well I think I'm up to date now with all my photos - until I find that there's a film still in my camera needing exposure. Quite likely.
I keep toying with the idea of blogging this 'phlog' rather than phlogging what began as a blog. It seems to be the done thing these days to have your thoughts read by anyone and everyone. Which isn't all that bad I guess, you certainly discover there are some interesting people out there. You also discover sides to some people you know but would never discover otherwise. So I'm not sure if the world is ready to hear my thoughts, heck half the time I don't even want to hear my thoughts. Like now, for example, my brain is on at least 8 coherent tangents(endless incoherent ones) which is why this has taken me about 20 minutes to get to here.
The new job change so far has been expensive and draining. I made the decision to ditch suits after 4 years and felt the expense of having to stock up my wardrobe with stylish fitted shirts and complimentary(perhaps that should be complementary) jeans and trousers. And the 3 and a half+ hours of travelling each day is starting to take its toll. Combined with the fact that everything I'm doing at work is new, people are new, places are new it's a bit draining. Yet it can all change for 83 seconds when making the treck home in a city of 9million people where I know perhaps 10 I see a pleasantly familiar face. Nice :)
Dear Mr Chalk,
I feel ditching the whistle was a wise move.
Hmmm yes. I think so too. ??!
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